Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog 5/15/11

Whats up. God now im workin all the time. I am gettin some pretty good hours and the paycheck is gonna be nice for the first time haha. Ive been so bored lately nothin is goin on, im gettin lazy because its the end of the year. I dont feel like doing anything but i know i have too. My friend Richard works with me at Meijer, he got a job too. In english we are we reading this book about Orson Welles. Its alright, im just trying to stay interested in it. We have a studyguide and we will prob have a test like Julius Caesar when we are done reading it. It rained today while i was working. I dont really know why its raining in may but its whatever. I chilled with friends over the weekend normal stuff, alright people cya.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blog 5/8/11

Hey guys. I finally got a job. I start training on Monday. I hope its gonna be fun, I work at Meijers on hamilton road. Yes, i do push carts but its really not all that bad. I am seperated from the store so i dont really have to talk to anyone except the other kids outside with me and we go at our own pace and just talk. Its pretty easy. Also, its a pretty good excersise when you start pushin in 40 carts inside. I like most of the people there who i push carts with. Im meeting a lot of new people at this job and i think it will end up being good. But anyways, I just chilled with friends like usual nothing new, did some homework. Gettin pretty tired of school. English class is okay, I wonder what were gonna start doing. I guess we'll just have to see what Mr. Potter makes us do. Well see ya next week. pce

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog 5/1/11

Whats up everyone? The weekend was not too bad this time. On Friday, I went to my friend drews and we chilled there and went to my other friend's house to watch him and his band have band practice. They're actually not that bad, they are getting better. Its my friend chris's band. I dont really have any homework this weekend but i was all stressed out from turning in like 2 projects for health during the week. I got a history project due like tuesday so i gotta get that done. In english weve been having tests over Julius Caesar. I did pretty good on most of them but we are gonna be able to re-do some so im going to do that so i can get a better grade. We just finished up that story haha. But yeah on Saturday i hung out with some friends again. Then today i got a job interview! Its on wedsnesday after school at meijer. Its the one by morse road. SO now im out of trouble with my parents since i got a job. Today i worked all day for my dad thought, it sucked but at least i got payed. Alllllright well i think thats all i got. See you guys monday!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog 4/24/11

Hey people. Easter was good, i ate a good dinner and got some candy. This weekend sucked and it was boring. On friday i just chilled with some people then after i went home. Then on saturday my newphew came over and i had to watch him like all day which sucked. But it was cool seeing him. Then on Sunday i just played some bball and did some hw. Theres nothing really going on in english except these blogs right now. Alright guys, it was a short post but thats all i got. Peace.