Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog 5/1/11

Whats up everyone? The weekend was not too bad this time. On Friday, I went to my friend drews and we chilled there and went to my other friend's house to watch him and his band have band practice. They're actually not that bad, they are getting better. Its my friend chris's band. I dont really have any homework this weekend but i was all stressed out from turning in like 2 projects for health during the week. I got a history project due like tuesday so i gotta get that done. In english weve been having tests over Julius Caesar. I did pretty good on most of them but we are gonna be able to re-do some so im going to do that so i can get a better grade. We just finished up that story haha. But yeah on Saturday i hung out with some friends again. Then today i got a job interview! Its on wedsnesday after school at meijer. Its the one by morse road. SO now im out of trouble with my parents since i got a job. Today i worked all day for my dad thought, it sucked but at least i got payed. Alllllright well i think thats all i got. See you guys monday!

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