Monday, February 28, 2011

The Hobo Murder

     Julia Sharp was just like any other person in the world. Good childhood, decent job, and a good life. Julia was a accountant. She had that job where you would sit in a cubicle all day. Julia hated her job, she hated sitting in her cubicle repeating the same thing everyday. The only thing missing in Julia’s life was a little excitement, which she wanted the most. Julia had a boyfriend named Brandon. Brandon was a chill guy; the only problem was that he would get jealous of anything Julia did. He would always ask her questions when she got home. Julia was thinking about leaving him soon.
     Julia was a nice lady, she was always feeling bad for someone. Everybody knew that she had a soft spot for people who were less fortunate than her. There was a hobo who always asked for spare change, outside her office building. He knew that Julia would always have something for him. If she didn’t have something one day or a couple days, he still knew that she would have something once in awhile. The hobo wasn’t there everyday but he would be around sometimes. The normal conversation between these two was always the same.
            “Hello Miss Sharp!” The hobo said in excitement. “Do you have any change you could spare today?
            “Yes I do!” said Julia, she was always happy to help someone out. “Let me look here… I have some quarter’s right here.”
            “Oh, why thank you so much Miss Sharp! Bless your soul!” The hobo said.
            Julia responded “Well you’re quite welcome. I’m always glad to help. I hope you have a good day sir.”
            “You too Miss Sharp! Thank you again!” the hobo joyfully said.
     The week was turning out to be a boring one again for Julia. The only thing she was looking forward to was the upcoming Friday night. Julia and a couple of her girlfriends were going to go out and have some fun. During the week the hobo kept asking Julia for money but she didn’t have any because she was saving up for Friday. For once Julia was actually excited for something. The hobo was getting angry at her. She denied him many times now. Also, Julia didn’t tell her boyfriend Brandon that she was going to go out yet. So on Friday, Julia was getting ready to go to work and she decided to tell Brandon. Julia hoped he wouldn’t care.
            “Hey babe, I am going out with the girls tonight.” said Julia.
            Brandon asked “Where? When?” Brandon seemed nervous.
            “After work, we are going to Coach’s.” she replied.
            “Okay, when are you going to be home?” Brandon kept asking questions.
            “I don’t know yet.” Said Julia, who was starting to get annoyed.
            Brandon shouted “You better be good Julia!”
            Julia responded. “I will! Don’t tell me what to do! You’re always doing this Brandon!”
            Brandon kept shouting at her saying “Just don’t do anything you will regret!”
            “Oh my god!” Julia said. She slammed the front door behind her and went to work.
     Once again Julia was having another boring day. Julia could not stop thinking about how Brandon flipped out on her this morning. She just wondered why he never trusted her and she was thinking of breaking up with him. Julia looked at her cell phone and there were a couple missed calls from Brandon that she just ignored. In her head, she was beginning to think that Brandon was a psycho and too jealous. When Julia was on her lunch break she saw the hobo outside. She was not in the mood to deal with anyone. So when the hobo asked for money, Julia just responded with a big “NO!” The hobo was surprised by this outburst and he took offence to it. All he ever did was be nothing but friendly to her and she yelled at him. This did not sit well with the hobo. When Julia got done with work she went out with her friends. Her friend Lisa took them to the restaurant. Julia just left her car at work, she was going to come back and get it at the end of the night. So finally Julia went out with her friends and she felt so good. There was no Brandon, no hobo, no stress. It was just a good time with some of her friends. It felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders. At about 10 o clock, Julia and her friend Lisa headed home. Lisa dropped off Julia at work. To get to her car she had to get through this dark ally which was the ally that she always saw the hobo at. She prayed the hobo wasn’t there because she didn’t want to deal with anything right now. As she walked down the dark ally, she saw a figure in the shadows. It was the hobo sleeping. She walked quietly past him. Her phone kept going off, and of course it was Brandon. It was like a ghost town outside, all she could hear was her own footsteps. Julia got to her car. While she was starting her car, she kept hearing noises. Everything was right, she was ready to go home. All of a sudden, someone popped up from the backseat and started strangling Julia. It was a masked stranger, Julia was screaming but no one could hear her because the man was covering mouth.
     The next day, Julia didn’t show up for work. All of her co-workers saw her car and started worrying. Lisa saw Julia’s and she knew something was wrong because Lisa dropped Julia off by her car the night before. Lisa called the cops. The police showed up to her work to investigate. They saw the hobo and started talking to him, Lisa remembered that the day before that Julia did not give the hobo money and he was mad at her. The police searched the ally that led to Julia’s car and in the back of a corner there was a trash can. The policemen opened the trash can to throw something away when he discovered Julia Sharp’s body. In Lisa’s mind she thought it was the hobo because he lived in the ally where Julia’s body was found. The hobo kept saying that he didn’t kill Julia. He said she was a nice lady and he would never do such a thing. The police asked Lisa if there was anyone else who was close with Julia. Lisa realized that Julia’s boyfriend had not been called yet. Police went to Julia’s house and stumbled upon something that no one could think of. They found Brandon… hanging by a rope tied to the ceiling. There was a note taped to his hand, it read, “To whoever is reading this, I do not know what has gotten into me. I have killed the love of my life Julia Sharp. I did not mean to but she was always lying to me. I wish it didn’t end up like this. I can’t live with myself like this. I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone. Bye.”



Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hi everyone. We have this long weekend, sooo pumped. Im gettin tired of school right now. buuuuut GUESS WHAT!? I GOT MY LICENSE!!! I got it on saturday, i was so nervous for the manueverability, i think thats how you spell it lol, but yeah that part was pretty scary but once i got that done the rest of the test was easy. The first thing i did when i got home was go to my friends house. Its so weird when you drive that first time by yourself, i was so happy. I cant explain it, now i dont have to hear my parents in my ear when im drivin. I went to Jacobs and chilled with some people, cruised around in my car and some other things. The next day I went and looked for job applications haha, ive applied to a couple places so far. I need a job to pay my insurance and gas. On monday I went and played basketball and the YMCA with a couple of friends. So yeah having a license is preeeeeetty fun, trust me. My whole life changed now that i have a car and can go anywhere i want and not have to rely on others for a ride somewhere. This is is, see ya next week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well this weekend was amazing. On friday, my friend Jacob had a party for his birthday. There was a lot of people there over like 50 actually. People were everywhere, upstairs and downstairs. Everyone was having fun and the music was so loud. I remember going outside for a second and it seemed like the whole house was just playing music on its own lol. I ended up staying the night there after everyone got kicked out. The next morning we had a huge breakfast. I watched some sports too, OSU lost in basketball. English class is pretty chill right now, we arnt really doing anything yet. I gotta start doing the topics Mr. Potter posts so mine are not always the same thing every week. I didnt have a lot of homework either this weekend which was good. Well thats it, party was fun blahblah, yeah peace.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog 2/6/11

Hi. This weekend was pretty fun. Today is my birthday, I got lots of money. hahah All i can think of is gettin my license, feb 20th or somethin like that because my parents are on a cruise right now so I cant get it until they come back. SO dumb. But yeah chilled with friends, had a bday dinner with my family yesterday which was pretty fun. Superbowl baby, the pack. BEAT THE STEELERS. I hate them so much i am so gald that they lost. Everyone who liked them just can now shut their mouth like seriously. Steeler fans are so annoying. It was a good game though. Well nothin new really happened lately except my bday and some other stuff. I was gonna do another post about Mr. Potter's topic this week like last time but as I am typing this I forgot lol. Its okay I'll do his topic next week. We arnt doing anything really in english, its a lil boring we need to do somethin fun. but its all good. I will see you guys later this post was kinda short, because im tired and its late. I'll make it up next post. Peace. ha