Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hi everyone. We have this long weekend, sooo pumped. Im gettin tired of school right now. buuuuut GUESS WHAT!? I GOT MY LICENSE!!! I got it on saturday, i was so nervous for the manueverability, i think thats how you spell it lol, but yeah that part was pretty scary but once i got that done the rest of the test was easy. The first thing i did when i got home was go to my friends house. Its so weird when you drive that first time by yourself, i was so happy. I cant explain it, now i dont have to hear my parents in my ear when im drivin. I went to Jacobs and chilled with some people, cruised around in my car and some other things. The next day I went and looked for job applications haha, ive applied to a couple places so far. I need a job to pay my insurance and gas. On monday I went and played basketball and the YMCA with a couple of friends. So yeah having a license is preeeeeetty fun, trust me. My whole life changed now that i have a car and can go anywhere i want and not have to rely on others for a ride somewhere. This is is, see ya next week.


  1. ur soooo lucky u can drive i dont even get my temps till next month and my liscense till sucks

  2. I felt the same way when i first got my license its really sweet. I need to play some basketball with you soon.
