Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog 3/6/11

This weekend I did a lot. On Friday i helped my Mom do some work. I went to my friend Jacobs and chilled, then we went to a party later that night. It was fun. I also just realized that my money is going away fast... no job and a car that takes 50$ for a full tank. Its killin me, i applied to so many places for a job and havent got anything back yet. Im gettin madddd, but I gotta stay positive because someone might just call me you never know. My fellow classmate josh jsut got a job at angies pizza hah, lucky. On saturday, I went back to jacobs and then played basketball with him, evan and gram. It was fun. AFter we went to bexley and went to another party but it was pretty dumb no lie. Im keepin up my grades too, had no homework this weekend which is good. OGTS are comin up soon, I think i; be fine all you need to know is like the basic stuff. I met up with my spanish group, erik and alex, on friday and sunday. We did a restuarant scene and it was easy. I wanted to have the topic Mr. Potter gave to us, but i just couldnt think of something. I know i have a great achievement i just cant think about it. In english we are not really doing anything, except that one project with the book. My book is called Playing with Matches. Its actually a good book. I havent read a really good book in i dont know how long haha. Well i think this is it, ill see you guys in class.  

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