Sunday, September 26, 2010

English is makin me mad.

I always forget about this blog. Im not gonna lie i dont really like it and this class is starting to lose my interest because we keep doing big projects. The class is good and so is the teacher I'm just not feelin the amount of work we are doin right now. But hey I'' do what i need to do to get a good grade. Anyways, this weekend Lions lost as usual, Michigan won which is good, Michigan St. won, and once again i went to Michigan this weekend. On Friday I chilled with my friends Alex and Evan, it was a good night. Then on Saturday I drove 3 hours to Michigan! My mom drove the last hour while i took a nap back to my grandma's house. Then on Saturday we left my grandma after being with her for a week at my house then i finally got to sleep on the way back to Ohio. Once again I am tired, i just got done watching the Jets game, it was a good one. Night people.


  1. haha, i agree with you alex. This class is starting to lose my interest because of all these big projects!

  2. Stop's not losing your interest! You both love it. You just can't wait to be done with research...and guessd what? We are about done.

  3. Alex, although i do agree with you we are getting this project out of the way and we won't have to worry about it anymore, and michigan sucks...

  4. Agreed, this project wasn't that much work, but i was getting tired with all the expectations! haha at least were done.

  5. haha yeah im glad, michigan does not suck joshua and im a little late on this response lol
