Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog 11/7/10

Hey. The weekend was good. i just chilled out but i was grounded so that sucked. On Friday I did not do anything but play xbox all night because i was grounded haha. Then on Saturday I went to the boys soccer game at Dublin and we lost. It sucked, everyone was so bummed out. I was with my friends, Nick, Joey and Austin. Austin drove us. Afterwards we got steak and shake which was amazing as usual. I ate so much ha. We were like little kids there, we all were wearing the hats they have, coloring, playing tic tac toe vs. each other and building cars lol. We just messed around the whole time. Next on Sunday, I just hung out around the house and fell asleep then I went to my friend Alex's house. We met up with a couple other people then went to Jon's house then back to Alex's. My lions lost in OT against the jets, I was so pissed. But its whatever we just need to learn how to finish. Michigan won in a triple overtime against Illoinois I think. Like 67-65, crazy. Soooo yeah that was my weekend, it was alright, could have been better if I was not grounded. Peace.


  1. sounds like a fun weekend dude. i chilled with jon on friday and we had a really fun night. i love steak n shake too. and i saw you on friday!

  2. Bro that sounds like the best weekend ever man, except for the grounded part.


  3. Wow that sounds like you had a fun week, alex! yeah it was really depressing to watch the boys soccer varsity lose but we all learn from our mistakes.
